McDade Secondary Campus
Secondary Principal Larry Hunter

(512) 273-2522 EXT 1413
McDade Secondary Procedures at a Glance
Gates in front of the high school will be locked from 7:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Students arriving late will need to check in at the Secondary Administration Office for a tardy slip. All high school student drivers will park in front of the High School inside the gated parking lot.
All exterior and interior doors will be locked during instructional time. Students will travel between classes through the BACK doors of middle and high school buildings. Parents and students on campus will be escorted between buildings during class time. The campus administrator will monitor students outside of the classroom during class time for reason and frequency.
Lilliana Munoz, high school administrative assistant, will be housed in Secondary Administration Office. Parents check in with Mrs. Lilly to pickup or drop off students between 7:45 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Parent visitors will need to check in with Mrs. Lilly and receive a visitor's badge when on campus, please have your I.D ready.
Students will have the ability to request a schedule change beginning Wednesday, August 17th. Students must have a parent’s signature. The deadline for schedule changes is Friday, August 19th @ 3:45 p.m.
Dress Code Update. NO HEAD COVERINGS can be worn inside or outside the buildings during the school day. It is necessary to be able to identify students on campus from a distance. Students may have any color of hair.
All skin should be covered from mid-thigh to armpits and shoulders should be covered with something wider than one inch with proper undergarments covered.
Piercings are allowed (small, no gauges)
Tattoos larger than three inches in diameter or having inappropriate language or images should be covered at all times.
Please read the Food and Drink Policy for secondary students.
Parents may purchase insurance for their child’s Chromebook for $20.00 per person per year. The insurance covers damage to the Chromebook and a one-time loss of the charger.
Parking Permits. In order to receive a parking permit, students need to provide a copy of a valid driver’s license and must have a current certificate of insurance on file. Parking permits MUST be displayed on the rearview mirror.
Please email Larry Hunter at if you have questions
As required by law, a person at each campus must be designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator. The designated person may be the principal or any other campus administrator selected by the principal. The campus behavior coordinator is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline. The District shall post on its website, and in the Student Handbook for each campus, the email address and telephone number of the person serving as campus behavior coordinator. For the MISD secondary campus, please contact Principal Larry Hunter. His contact information is listed above.
Notice Regarding Ability to Refuse Entry or Eject Certain Persons and Appeals Process