McDade Elementary

Elementary Principal Caroline Johnston


McDade Elementary Procedures at a Glance


Elementary campus attendance is taken once per day @ 9:45a. Any student arriving after this time or picked up prior to attendance, without a doctor’s note as proof of an appointment, will be counted absent for the day and will require a note when returning to school for the absence to be excused. 


Texas Law states that we must notify guardians that they may be referred to truancy court if their student has TEN or more UNEXCUSED ABSENCES in a 6 month period. You may receive a warning letter when you have THREE or more UNEXCUSED ABSENCES in a 4 week period. Please refer to House Bill 2398 Texas for more information. You can avoid these measures by ensuring your child returns to school with a note for any and all absence regardless of the reason. These may be handwritten or typed notes from home signed by their guardian or by providing a doctor's excuse.  In lieu of sending notes with your student you may email any documents to   

Morning Procedure

7:15a-7:40a Student drop off is in the back of the cafeteria. Students should enter and exit their vehicles from the right side of the car. Safety is of the utmost importance for all McDade Elementary students.  The cafeteria doors open at 7:15a and close at 7:40a. Any student arriving after 7:40a must go through the front gate. Parents must ring the gate bell for their student to be let in. Instruction starts promptly at 7:45a. Any student arriving later will be counted tardy. If you would like to drop your student off at the front of the school before 7:45a you must park your vehicle in a parking spot and walk your student to the gate. By parking your vehicle, this allows for safe and effective flow of traffic. The front of the building is not a drop off lane. 

Breakfast and Lunch Procedure

Each student is offered FREE breakfast and lunch. Breakfast is served until 7:40a in the cafeteria. In the interest of capturing every instructional minute, parents will not be attending or eating breakfast on campus. You may have lunch with your student any time throughout the year. ALL PARENTS are to sign in at our front office to receive a visitor’s pass. Please bring your state issued I.D. or passport.  Adult lunches are $4.15. If you would like to bring lunch for your student you may do so. Please have any food coming in arrive at least 10 minutes before your student’s scheduled lunch period to ensure they have enough time to receive their lunch and eat.

Lunch schedules are as follows:

  • PK-10:45a-11:15a

  • K-11:00a-11:30a

  • 1st-11:15a-11:45a

  • 2nd-12:10-12:40p

  • 3rd-11:50a-12:2p

  • 4th-11:30 -12:00p

  • 5th/6th-12:20p-12:50p

Student Birthdays

Students are welcome to bring a birthday treat to share with their class. These items will only be allowed during the student’s lunch period. Please have them on campus in advance. 

When Visiting our Campus

Each time you come onto campus you are required to check in at the front office. You must provide a valid ID in order to obtain a visitor’s pass. You may NOT be on campus for any event, at any time during school hours, without a visitor’s pass. Our gates remain locked throughout the school day. If you are on campus visiting we ask that you do not open any of our gates for any other visitors. No one should be coming into the gate unless let in by an employee of the district.  This is for the safety of our students and staff. Each family is required to ring the gate bell, individually. 

Parent Portal

This is an invaluable resource that not only provides you with information about your student’s grades and attendance, but also how registration will be completed for returning students. If you have not already set up your parent portal, directions on doing so are found at MCDADEISD.COM under the Parent Portal tab at the top of our web page. You may obtain your student’s portal ID from the Elementary front office.

Transportation Changes

Please have any changes to your student’s after school transportation done BEFORE 2p. You may make these changes by calling the front office of the elementary school at (512) 273-2522 option 4 or by emailing or sending a message directly to your student’s teacher through your family ROOMS account. 

Early Pick Up

If you intend on getting your student from school before regular release time you must check them out before 3:30p in the front office.

Afternoon Release

Afternoon release begins at 3:40p. with student’s riding the bus being released to their buses first. Car riders will be released from the back of the cafeteria beginning at 3:45p. Walkers will be released from the back of the cafeteria after car line pick up is completed. This is usually around 4p. 

Volunteer/ Field Trip Chaperone Opportunities

A background check must be completed before you are allowed to volunteer in any capacity. Please complete our brief volunteer packet, found in the front office, at your earliest convenience. This must be completed and approved prior to volunteering.

 Please email Caroline Johnston at if you have questions

As required by law, a person at each campus must be designated to serve as the campus behavior coordinator. The designated person may be the principal or any other campus administrator selected by the principal. The campus behavior coordinator is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline. The District shall post on its website, and in the Student Handbook for each campus, the email address and telephone number of the person serving as campus behavior coordinator. For the MISD elementary campus, please contact Principal Caroline Johnston. Her contact information is listed above.

Notice Regarding Ability to Refuse Entry or Eject Certain Persons and Appeals Process