District Information

Heather Stidham


Bill Kelly

Secondary Campus Principal

512-273-2522 EXT 1413

Jill Smith-Mott

Director of Counseling Services

512-273-2522 EXT 1412

Terry Reid

Director of ESL Services

512-273-2522 EXT 1511

Caroline Johnston

Elementary Campus Principal

512-273-2522 EXT 1600

Gina Sanders

Director of Curriculum Instruction & Testing

512-273-2522 EXT 1602

Allison Mouser

Director of Special Education Services

512-273-2522 EXT 1301

Education is the guardian genius of democracy. It is the only dictator that free men recognize, and the only ruler that free men require.

Mirabeau B. Lamar  


Mirabeau B. Lamar served as the second president of the Republic of Texas from 1838-1841. He was a Freemason and is known by some as “The Father of Texas Education.” Lamar believed that Texas greatness rested on the establishment of public education. Following Lamar’s lead, the Congress passed education acts in 1839 and 1840. These acts granted each county 17,712 acres of land to support public schools. The government also set aside 231,000 acres for the future establishment of two public universities. 

The Lamar Award of Excellence was established in 1988, under the leadership of Grand Master Graham Childress. The Lamar Medal is awarded to students and educators in recognition of outstanding personal achievement in academics, citizenship, community service, or sports.

Public Information

McDade Independent School District, as a local governmental entity, is subject to the requirements of the Texas Public Information Act

All requests must be submitted in writing and should contain: Your name, Address, Phone Number, and Email, if available, and a description of the information and/or document being requested. To help expedite requests, please be specific in what you are requesting. 

All requests must be sent as follows:

  • By email: pio@mcdadeisd.net. Subject heading should read “Public Information Request” or “Open Records Request.” All requests by email should be directed to this email address only. Requests sent to any other email address will not be considered a valid request and will not trigger the timeframe required by the TPIA.

  • By mail: 

    • McDade Independent School District

    • Public Information Request

    • Attention: Central Office

    • P. O. Box 400

    • McDade, Texas 78650

  • By Fax: (512) 273-2101

  • In Person: 156 Marlin Street, McDade, Texas 78650

McDade Independent School District works to meet information requests in compliance with state and federal laws. To the extent possible, requests are handled in the order they are received. By law, McDade ISD has ten (10) business days to determine whether or not to seek an Attorney General’s ruling regarding information that may be exempted from public disclosure. 

For more information about the Texas Public Information Act, please click HERE.

Texas Public Information Handbook

Texas and Federal Law Requires School District that Maintain an Internet Website to Publish Campus Report Card, Performance Report, District Ratings (Education Code, §39.362) – HB 3 - 81st Legislature: Campus Report Card, Performance Report, District Ratings (Education Code, §39.362) – HB 3 81st Legislature: Public Notice of Accreditation Status of McDade ISD 

ESSA – Every Student Succeeds Act

ESSA - Notification of Parents of Teacher/Paraprofessional Qualifications

ESSA – Notificacion a los Padres que el Estudiante es Ensenado por un Maestro No Certificado

Texas Education Agency – State Compensatory Education

Notice Regarding Ability to Refuse Entry or Eject Certain Persons and Appeals Process


The Texas Education Agency prepared Accountability Ratings for both a District and its campuses. There are three rating levels a district or campus can receive. The Accountability System has four measurements that provide a comprehensive evaluation of the entire campus or District: Student Achievement, Student Progress, Closing Performance Gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness. 

For more information on the Accountability Rating System click on the link for the TEA website.