MHS Programs of Study- This document is an easy-to-read visual layout of the programs of study (career pathways) that MHS offers.
Seniors, Class of 2025
Senior Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Senior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the next class in your chosen Career Pathway, then any extra electives you have room for. Office Aid will be available based on GPA and having passed the TSI. You may put it in your schedule, but it might be removed if you have not met these two requirements.
Class Sequence All Grades - If you have questions about which math or science class you should take next, or the sequence of any classes, use this document. It shows all of the classes organized by Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Years.
Endorsement Charts and Class Sequence - This chart shows the sequence of classes, but it also includes the class sequence for each Career Pathway.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.
MHS Programs of Study - This document simplifies our programs of study for high school students.
Juniors, Class of 2026
Junior Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Junior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the next class in your chosen Career Pathway, then any extra electives you have room for.
Class Sequence All Grades - If you have questions about which math or science class you should take next, or the sequence of any classes, use this document. It shows all of the classes organized by Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Years.
Endorsement Charts and Class Sequence - This chart shows the sequence of classes, but it also includes the class sequence for each Career Pathway.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.
Sophomores, Class of 2027
Sophomore Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Junior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the next class in your chosen Career Pathway, then any extra electives you have room for.
Class Sequence All Grades - If you have questions about which math or science class you should take next, or the sequence of any classes, use this document. It shows all of the classes organized by Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Years.
Endorsement Charts and Class Sequence - This chart shows the sequence of classes, but it also includes the class sequence for each Career Pathway.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.
Freshmen, Class of 2028
Students going into the 9th grade are required to choose an endorsement and a career pathway which is then signed by the student, guardian, and counselor. We realize that most students do not know what they want to do after high school, and also that there are not career pathways for every specific career out there. In these cases, choose a career pathway based on the student's interests, or choose the Multidisciplinary Endorsement. We will send a form home, or you can print the one your family chooses here: Graduation Plan Worksheets
Freshmen Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Junior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the next class in your chosen Career Pathway, then any extra electives you have room for.
Class Sequence All Grades - If you have questions about which math or science class you should take next, or the sequence of any classes, use this document. It shows all of the classes organized by Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Years.
Endorsement Charts and Class Sequence - This chart shows the sequence of classes, but it also includes the class sequence for each Career Pathway.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.
8th Grade, Class of 2029
8th Grade Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Junior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the other blanks with electives chosen from the list below, or on the back of the printed form that you received.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.
7th Grade, Class of 2030
7th Grade Course Selection Form - Use this document to plan your classes for your Junior Year. Fill out this form, also provided to you in class, and have your parent sign it. Your choices will be completed by using your Student Portal. You will choose your core classes first, then fill in the other blanks with electives chosen from the list below, or on the back of the printed form that you received.
Class Choices by Grade Level - This document lists the classes that are available at MHS.